UX for Building a sustainable habit

<aside> 💡 Role


Project Owner

UX Researcher

UX Designer

<aside> 💡 Date


Jan 2021 - April 2021

<aside> 💡 Tools & Methods


Adobe XD, Invision, Pen & Paper, MS Words


<aside> 🍀 The Story behind this project


One night, I watched Seaspiracy on Netflix with friends. After watching it, we had set out with the goal of actually sticking to a new behavior which is stopping fish consumption. But we found find ourselves not doing it at all one week later. It got me thinking why is it so hard to form good habits? Why is it so difficult to make a consistent change? How can we have the best intentions to become better, and yet still see so little progress?

Though living in a world where waste is normal would make it difficult to achieve sustainability, I believe that by having a sustainable lifestyle, people have the potential to save money, become more organic, become more locally active, and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. So, I wanted to make an app that better ensures success as users work to incorporate more sustainable habits into their daily life using the science behind habit formation for this project.

<aside> 🍀 Design Process




1. Empathy Phase

To start off the project, I needed to validate the concept that is something people need in their lives. I conducted a survey to a group of 23 potential users.

Key-points from Survey & Research